1987 - Volume #11, Issue #1, Page #07
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Hand-Cranked Feed Cart
"It works great in the tight quarters of our stanchion dairy barn," says Glen Schweppe, Syracuse, Neb., who built a hand-cranked feed cart.The cart's frame, made of 1?-in. sq. tubing, is 3 ft. long, 3 ft. high and 2 ft. wide. Plywood sheets bolt to it to form the hopper. Schweppe put the upper end of an old 5-in. dia. auger in the bottom of the cart, extending it out 10-in. on the side. A 3-in. sprocket on one end of the auger is driven by #40 roller chain off of a 4-in. sprocket on the hand crank, which doubles as a push handle for the cart. Each turn of the crank equals a set amount of feed, so Schweppe can measure feed to each animal. The cart rides on 10-in. wheels. A smaller compartment at the rear of the cart holds extra protein for top dressing by hand.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Glen Schweppe, Rt. 1, Syracuse, Neb. 68446 (ph 402 269-2602).

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