Handheld Remote For Electric-Controlled Spray Booms
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"It lets you operate your sprayer's boom control valves from the ground by simply pushing a button on a handheld remote. It saves time because you can inspect the boom tips right from the ground without having to return to the cab," says DeWayne Jones, Warren, Ind., about his new MOJO Spray Remote Control.
The MOJO is a radio frequency remote control unit that's designed to work with electric spray boom control valves. A 4-channel remote allows individual control of up to four separate boom control ball or solenoid-type valves. The system works with most control systems and spray monitors.
Jones says he came up with the idea because he thought there had to be a better way to make inspection more efficient.
"As a habit, I always do a walk-around inspection of the sprayer before starting a new field. I had to turn on the sprayer control valves, dismount the tractor and walk around one end of the boom to check each nozzle along its entire length. If I had a plugged nozzle or other problem, I'd have to walk around the boom to shut down the system, then return to clean the tip and start all over again. It resulted in a lot of wasted time, spray solution and a dead spot in my field from the concentrated amount of spray in one spot.
"Using the handheld remote unit, I can inspect an entire 60-ft., 3-section boom while using less than 1-gal. of spray solution. I dismount the sprayer, walk around the boom and push the button for the boom section that I want to inspect. The valve turns on and I can check all nozzles for proper operation. When I push the button again the section shuts off. I'm free to move to the next section or repair any problems it may have had. I can also quickly verify any repairs made without losing time to return to the controls on the tractor."
Sells for $74.95 plus S&H. A version called the Mojo Max sells for $120.95 plus S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, DeWayne R. Jones, 10601 West 800 South 90, Warren, Ind. 46792 (ph 260 375-2289; djones@citznet.com).

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Handheld Remote For Electric-Controlled Spray Booms SPRAYING Miscellaneous 34-2-43 "It lets you operate your sprayer's boom control valves from the ground by simply pushing a button on a handheld remote. It saves time because you can inspect the boom tips right from the ground without having to return to the cab," says DeWayne Jones, Warren, Ind., about his new MOJO Spray Remote Control.
The MOJO is a radio frequency remote control unit that's designed to work with electric spray boom control valves. A 4-channel remote allows individual control of up to four separate boom control ball or solenoid-type valves. The system works with most control systems and spray monitors.
Jones says he came up with the idea because he thought there had to be a better way to make inspection more efficient.
"As a habit, I always do a walk-around inspection of the sprayer before starting a new field. I had to turn on the sprayer control valves, dismount the tractor and walk around one end of the boom to check each nozzle along its entire length. If I had a plugged nozzle or other problem, I'd have to walk around the boom to shut down the system, then return to clean the tip and start all over again. It resulted in a lot of wasted time, spray solution and a dead spot in my field from the concentrated amount of spray in one spot.
"Using the handheld remote unit, I can inspect an entire 60-ft., 3-section boom while using less than 1-gal. of spray solution. I dismount the sprayer, walk around the boom and push the button for the boom section that I want to inspect. The valve turns on and I can check all nozzles for proper operation. When I push the button again the section shuts off. I'm free to move to the next section or repair any problems it may have had. I can also quickly verify any repairs made without losing time to return to the controls on the tractor."
Sells for $74.95 plus S&H. A version called the Mojo Max sells for $120.95 plus S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, DeWayne R. Jones, 10601 West 800 South û 90, Warren, Ind. 46792 (ph 260 375-2289; djones@citznet.com).
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