Big Roy 8-Wheel Tractor On Display In Manitoba
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Your story in the last issue about the new Deutz 8-wheel drive tractor from Europe made me think about Big Roy, a Versatile 8-wheel tractor that's still on display at a museum in Austin, Manitoba. It's different than the Deutz but was much before its time. It had 8-WD, articulated steering, rear engine drive, was 32 ft. long and weighed 55,000 lbs. The 650 hp tractor was built in the early 1970's. No market developed for Big Roy so he ended up on display for everyone. (Richard Borowicz, 1237 Skillman Ave. E., Maplewood, Minn. 55109 (ph 651 484-8784)

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Big Roy 8-Wheel Tractor On Display In Manitoba TRACTORS New Tractors 34-2-41 Your story in the last issue about the new Deutz 8-wheel drive tractor from Europe made me think about Big Roy, a Versatile 8-wheel tractor that's still on display at a museum in Austin, Manitoba. It's different than the Deutz but was much before its time. It had 8-WD, articulated steering, rear engine drive, was 32 ft. long and weighed 55,000 lbs. The 650 hp tractor was built in the early 1970's. No market developed for Big Roy so he ended up on display for everyone. (Richard Borowicz, 1237 Skillman Ave. E., Maplewood, Minn. 55109 (ph 651 484-8784)
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