Hand Operated Lever For ATV's
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My wife is the primary driver on our manually-operated Honda 300 ATV. Because of arthritis in her foot, she was unable to engage the shift pedal. I made a hand-operated lever by cutting a slit in the bottom of a 2 by 1-in. piece of oak. I used a hose clamp inserted through the slit to fasten it to the shift pedal. At the top of the oak piece, I drilled a hole to insert a dowel for a handle. (Bernard Paumier, 10335 Heimberger Rd., Baltimore, Ohio 43105 ph 740 862-8262)

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Hand Operated Lever For ATV's ATV'S ATV'S 34-2-41 My wife is the primary driver on our manually-operated Honda 300 ATV. Because of arthritis in her foot, she was unable to engage the shift pedal. I made a hand-operated lever by cutting a slit in the bottom of a 2 by 1-in. piece of oak. I used a hose clamp inserted through the slit to fasten it to the shift pedal. At the top of the oak piece, I drilled a hole to insert a dowel for a handle. (Bernard Paumier, 10335 Heimberger Rd., Baltimore, Ohio 43105 ph 740 862-8262)
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