2010 - Volume #34, Issue #2, Page #25
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Drawbar-Mounted Belt Speeds Up Baling
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The belt, which hangs freely from a bolt that goes through the drawbar just ahead of the drawbar's hitch pin, compresses the windrow so it feeds smoothly into the baler. The belt also keeps hay from hanging up on the drawbar.
Randolph simply cuts an 18-in. length from an old round baler belt. He bores a hole that's centered about 2 in. from one end of the belt and bolts it to the drawbar, using an existing hole in front of the drawbar's main hitch pinhole. The slick side of the belt is against the ground.
"The belt slides easily over the hay, pressing it down just enough to improve operation," says Randolph, whose idea was a finalist in the Farm Bureau's invention contest this year.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, J.W. Randolph Jr., 2965 Stevenson Rd., Franklin, Ky. 42134 (ph 270 586-1291).

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