2010 - Volume #34, Issue #2, Page #25
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Easy Way To Remove Strumps
Gene Schendt had some tree stumps in his yard that needed to go, so the Lawrence, Neb., man came up with a simple solution."My wife was really tired of having to go around the stumps when mowing the lawn and sometimes hitting them with the mower deck. First, I tried to bite into them with the loader bucket to uproot them, but that ended up getting too rough on the equipment," Schendt explains. "Rather than hiring someone for $90 an hour with a stump grinder, I found a method that was essentially free, easy and worked excellent."
He simply harnessed the power of fireplace embers to burn the roots out.
"For this to work, the stumps need to be good and dry - at least 3 to 5 years old. I did it in the winter and dumped some embers on the top of each stump," he says. "Each stump kept smoking like a cigarette for about a week until they were completely burnt up û even the roots down underground. In the spring, we filled in the holes with dirt. You could probably do this using charcoal briquettes as well."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gene Schendt, G T Metal, P.O. Box 187, Lawrence, Neb. 68957 (ph 402 756-7835; gtmetal@gtmc.net).

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