2010 - Volume #34, Issue #2, Page #22
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Kuvasz Breed Makes Great Guard Dog
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Kuvasz dogs are large and well built with a coarse, wavy coat of white. This is the outer coat; the undercoat is actually quite soft. These fast, graceful dogs have handsome heads and dark eyes. Males measure 26 to 30 in. at the shoulder and weigh 115 lbs. or more. Female Kuvasz dogs are 24 to 28 in. at the shoulder and weigh roughly 80 lbs. Their lifespan is about 12 years.
Kuvasz dogs are very intelligent and protective. They're strong willed, and will stubbornly defend whatever they consider their own, including their masters. The dogs do require training and discipline right from puppyhood, but that love and attention will pay off later in the dog's life.
They're normally kept outside, partly because they're so big, but also because of their prolific shedding. If kept indoors, tufts of white hair will most likely be seen everywhere.
Although they do make good family pets, these dogs are best at serving as a protector outside, which was their original role. They're ideal for standing guard for livestock and home.
"This breed has amazing instincts in the area of guardianship," says Jane DeJong, of Brucefield, Ont., whose family has bred the dogs for 10 years. "They tend to train themselves easily, knowing their job and their territory. They're amazing at predator control and never need to be kept in the flock or behind the fence. They protect the whole property from outside the fence. They're the most cost effective and reliable source for farm protection, and are different than other breeds currently used because they fill two roles -- they need the human family bond as well as the property and livestock responsibilities. Most other livestock guardian dogs have to be left with the livestock and not have any human contact in order to do their job. Another bonus of this breed is that they are hypoallergenic to most people."
The DeJong family sells pups for $1,000, which includes breed registration, all health clearances, first shots and a vet check. They ship by air to anywhere required.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kingroyal Kuvasz Kennels, c/o Jane DeJong, 76014 Morrison Line, RR#1, Brucefield, Ont., Canada N0M 1J0 (ph 519 233-5205 or 519 524-0207; kingroyalkennels@yahoo.ca; www.kingroyalkennels.com).

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