Quick Way To Switch Hitches
"My customers got tired of unbolting their 2-in. balls from their tractor drawbars, so I made something I call the Easy Sleeve to solve the problem," says Roger Gutschmidt. "One day they might be using their tractor for mowing, which typically uses the 2-in. hitch ball, and the next day they might be raking, which uses a conventional hitch pin hook-up. It's a real hassle to unbolt the hitch ball and vice-versa, so that's where the Easy Sleeve comes in."
Gutschmidt welded a piece of tubular steel to a piece of heavy flat iron to form a handy device that makes hitch ball removal a breeze. The Easy Sleeve speeds up the process of switching over because the 2-in. ball hitch stays bolted to it, and the farmer needs only to quickly and easily pull one pin to remove the entire unit, leaving the drawbar ready to be used for conventional hookups.
Since there are so many sizes and variations of tractor drawbars for the tubular frame to slide over, it's difficult to price them, Gutschmidt says.
"If I know the dimensions of your drawbar, I can custom make an Easy Sleeve to fit your application. Pricing depends on the size."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gutschmidt Manufacturing LLC, Roger Gutschmidt, 6651 Hwy. 56, Gackle, N. Dak. 58442 (ph 701 698-2310; shopdoc@drtel.net).

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Quick Way To Switch Hitches HITCHES Hitches 34-2-17 "My customers got tired of unbolting their 2-in. balls from their tractor drawbars, so I made something I call the Easy Sleeve to solve the problem," says Roger Gutschmidt. "One day they might be using their tractor for mowing, which typically uses the 2-in. hitch ball, and the next day they might be raking, which uses a conventional hitch pin hook-up. It's a real hassle to unbolt the hitch ball and vice-versa, so that's where the Easy Sleeve comes in."
Gutschmidt welded a piece of tubular steel to a piece of heavy flat iron to form a handy device that makes hitch ball removal a breeze. The Easy Sleeve speeds up the process of switching over because the 2-in. ball hitch stays bolted to it, and the farmer needs only to quickly and easily pull one pin to remove the entire unit, leaving the drawbar ready to be used for conventional hookups.
Since there are so many sizes and variations of tractor drawbars for the tubular frame to slide over, it's difficult to price them, Gutschmidt says.
"If I know the dimensions of your drawbar, I can custom make an Easy Sleeve to fit your application. Pricing depends on the size."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gutschmidt Manufacturing LLC, Roger Gutschmidt, 6651 Hwy. 56, Gackle, N. Dak. 58442 (ph 701 698-2310; shopdoc@drtel.net).
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