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Clamps Simplify Fence Setup, Repair
With her three patent-pending clamps, Renae Becker can easily reconfigure and repair the horse corrals on her California ranch.
  "The whole idea is to make do with what you already have," she explains. "We really wanted the flexibility to change our corrals around. We searched everywhere to find a fence clamp that would securely attach a perpendicular intersection but there was no such product available. With the help of my friend, who's in the fabrication industry, we created 90 Proof Clamps."
  "The rail (clamp) is used to connect two corral panels by attaching the horizontal rail of one panel to the horizontal rail of the second," Becker explains. "The purpose is to allow the user to build their stalls or paddocks any size they need without having to rely on the dimensions of the vertical posts that make up the frame of the panel. Typically, a 24-ft. panel is supported by three vertical posts, every 8 ft. Therefore, there was no way to split the corral in even halves - until now."
  The pole clamp has a figure-8 twist that allows the connection of vertical and horizontal pipes. The versatile T-clamp offers an alternative to repair broken pipes as well as a variety of other uses such as adding pipes to the top of the corral for extra reinforcement.
  "The T-clamp will withstand more than 1,200 lbs. of pressure and you don't have to hire a welder to install," Becker says. "The clamps also make it simple to fix broken pipes."
  Carriage bolts and nuts secure the clamps. At $9 to $14 the clamps are also affordable.
  Becker, an avid horse rider who takes trips across the Mojave Desert and Death Valley, has been using the clamps on corrals for her 6 horses for nearly two years. She sells them through her website and about 50 businesses in the West.  
  "We haven't had any returns. The comment I get from everybody is æWhy I didn't think of that?' " says Becker.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Renae Becker, Trio Ranch, 31915 Trail Rd., Agua Dulce, Calif. 91390 (ph 805 890-5495; www.trioranch.com).

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2009 - Volume #33, Issue #5