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Fake Shrubs Catching On
Forget about fertilizing, pruning or watering yard shrubs. Fake plastic shrubs made in very detailed molds are gaining popularity and are now offered in garden centers, nurseries and big box chain stores.
"People are substituting them for live plants in outside landscaping because they always look good," says Steve Downs, National Tree Company.
National Tree has been making and marketing imitation Christmas trees for more than 50 years. In recent years, they have added a wide range of smaller bushes and topiaries (shaped shrubs).
"We use UV-stabilized polyurethane so they can be used outdoors or indoors," says Downs. "We also use metal cages or piping inside the shrub for shape retention. The molds are modeled closely after live plants to ensure a realistic look."
Prices range from $9.99 to $189 for larger imitation trees. Sizes range from 15-in. plants to a 72-in. arborvitae.
"We've been selling outside shrubs for the past 6 years," says Downs. "It has really picked up in the last two or three."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, National Tree Company, 2 Commerce Drive, Cranford, N.J. 07016 (ph 908 709-4141 or 800 280-8733; sales @nationaltree.com; www.nationaltree.com).

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2009 - Volume #33, Issue #4