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Farmstar Gun Travels At Constan Speed
"It's the first and only traveling gun, so far as we know, that travels at a constant speed regardless of the terrain," says Greg Grahnm president of Broken Mfg., manufacturer of the new Farmstar traveling gun.

It's driven by cable and cable buildup on the drum, which controls the drive ratio for constant ground travel speed. A sensor arm constantly "reads" diameter of the cable take-up drum. As diameter of the drum increases as more cable is wrapped around it, the sensor automatically adjusts the size of the drive fully accordingly, providing a constant travel speed on hilly terrain, or in rugged terrain, such as wet or plowed fields.

The Farmstar travels 1 to 5 ft. per min. It'll cover 8 to 10 acres in a pass and operates efficiently on lower pressure since none of the water pressure is used to power the unit. "There is no slowdown in travel as the gun reaches the end of the run and is dragging up to an eighth-mile of hose behind it," Grahn points out.

He notes that the automatic speed control regulator can be over-ridden to increase or decrease the rate of travel. The unit is equipped with a Nelson gun which handles liquid manure without having to be modified. Power is provided by a one cylinder, 8 hp., air-cooled Duetz Diesel engine which runs all day on one gallon of fuel, says Grahn.

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1977 - Volume #1, Issue #2