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"Whip Flag" New Way To Move Livestock
"Our new 'Whip Flag' is highly visible to livestock and lets you easily sort animals without handling them roughly," says Dan Koehn, Koehn Marketing, Inc., Watertown, S. Dak.
    The Whip Flag consists of a 12 by 13-in. fabric flag attached to a 50-in. long, polypropylene-coated shaft. The shaft is 1/2 in. dia. at the bottom but only 3/8 in. dia. at the top, which makes it highly flexible. It has a golf grip handle.
    "It's a humane way to handle livestock. The flag weighs less than 1 lb. so you don't get tired using it," says Koehn. "The flag is brightly-colored so it's highly visible to livestock. It's also double-stitched to keep it from fraying."
    The flag is available in red, blue, orange, green, or gold.
    Sells for $12 plus S&H.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dan Koehn, Koehn Marketing, Inc., P.O. Box 577, Watertown, S. Dak. 57201 (ph 800 658-3998 or 605 886-2120; koehn@iw.net; www.koehn marketing.com).

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2009 - Volume #33, Issue #1