2008 - Volume #32, Issue #6, Page #10
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Perfume Your Moles Away
Ross Hingston discovered that the sweet smell of cheap perfume can drive moles out of his family's farm yard. He got the idea after buying $90 mole bait that didn't work."We recently discovered huge mole tunnels and hills," says Hingston. "I tried the bait and then remembered there were discount outlets for perfume and cologne in Toronto where I live most of the year."
On his next trip to the farm, Hingston brought along several bottles of cheap perfume. He found that an average bottle could be mixed with 2 to 3 gal. of water and still have a potent smell.
"I pour a little over each hole, then go back and repeat like you do when watering plants," he says. "You want it in the holes not around the sides."
Hingston finds warm soil works best at absorbing the perfume and spreading the smell. After a couple of applications, the moles retreated out of the lawn.
"Gasoline and warm motor oil mixed together might work just as well," he says.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ross Hingston, 6556 Trafalgar Rd., Hornby, Ontario, Canada L0P 1E0.

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