2008 - Volume #32, Issue #6, Page #10
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Alarm Systems For Center Pivot Irrigators
As copper and metal prices have continued to rise, theft of the copper wire found on center pivot irrigation systems has become a big problem. This new Pivot Guard system protects center pivots from thieves by using a cell phone to call for help as soon as a wire is cut.The Pivot Guard is operated by a 6-volt battery and wires into the center pivot's electrical box. It uses a cell phone to alert you and the law enforcement agency of theft attempts. You can program-in up to three different phone numbers you want it to call and use a prepaid phone card, or just add the phone's Sim card onto your existing cell phone service plan. The system will also call you when the battery is low, to remind you to change it.
The system was invented by a Missouri farmer with center pivot systems. "Every security system we looked at required either a phone connection by land line, or an electrical connection," says Tyler Perkins. "We needed something that didn't require either, was easy to maintain, and yet effective and secure. Center pivot systems have a lot of rubber conduit cord that carries copper electrical wire the length of the irrigation system. It can cost $12,000 or more to repair. Cutting any of the wires will automatically activate our system. And it doesn't use any power until it's activated."
Although originally designed to protect center pivots, the system can also be used to protect shops, buildings, remote sheds and hunting cabins, tool storage units, and so forth.
The Pivot Guard sells for $900.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Firstfruits Farms LLC, 3900 County Road 609, Bernie, Mo. 63822 (ph 573 293-5794; cindy@perkinssales.com).
Another alarm system for center pivots is also available. The Stettler WireGuard alarm system is a small black box that lets out an ear-piercing howl when anyone tries to snip the rubber conduit cord that carries copper electrical wire. The system also immediately calls the owner of the equipment to let him or her know that the wire is being tampered with. It will also sound the alarm and notify the owner if someone attempts to disable the box.
It sells for about $3,000.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Stettler Supply Co. (ph 503 585-5550; JimC@StettlerSupply.com).

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