2008 - Volume #32, Issue #6, Page #05
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Time Banks Catch On
Hundreds of "time banks" have sprung up across the U.S. over the past couple years, says founder Edgar Cahn (www.timebanks.org). Here's an example of how they work:Doris Feldman, 82, teaches English to another Time Bank member, a recent immigrant to the U.S. For every hour she works, a "time dollar" is deposited at the bank, and it can later be exchanged for services from another Time Bank member. For example, if Doris needs a home repair, it's all covered.
Typical services provided by Time Bank members include sewing, meal preparation, child care, dog grooming, massage, mowing grass, and just about any other task you can think of. No actual money is ever exchanged.
To set up a local Time Bank, go to the website (www.timebanks.org) and order a $49 startup kit.

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