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Extra Large Fuel Tanks
You can double the fuel capacity on your diesel pickup by replacing the original fuel tank with an extra large one from Titan Fuel Tanks.  
  The tanks are made from heavy duty cross-link polyethylene and range from 43 to 60 gal. in capacity. They fit in the same space as the factory tank, without using up any cargo space in the pickup bed. No modification to the pickup body is required.
  Tanks are available for most GM, Chevrolet, and Ford diesel pickups made from 1999 to 2008. One model is also available to fit the Dodge quad cab longbed pickup.
  "The tanks weigh only about 50 lbs. compared to 200 lbs. for extra large metal tanks sold by others. Also, they won't rust and they're biodiesel fuel compatible," says Bret Olsen, company rep.
  The tank slopes toward the center from both ends so the sending unit can reach almost all of the fuel.  
  Prices vary by model but generally range between $944 and $1,092. Add $139 for shipping in the U.S.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Titan Fuel Tanks, Box 2225, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83403 (ph 800 728-4982; fax 208 529-2162; Bret@xxtank.com; www.titanfueltank.com).

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #4