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Push-Off Box Measures Out Firewood
Delivering firewood is a pain when it comes to unloading inside a building or under trees and overhead wires. Jeff Weeks came up with a simple solution. He built a truck box with a moving headboard that pushes wood out the back.
He can dump measured amounts of wood because the firewood tends to fall evenly off the back.
The headboard is pulled back and forth by a cable in a slot at the bottom of the box. The cable is controlled by an electric winch.
"The truck holds six cords of wood. I also put headboards on several smaller trucks that can back into a conventional car garage," says Weeks. "I could hit the button and drop the wood in place."
Weeks framed the headboard in steel and built the face in either wood or steel. He says the headboard worked equally well for long lengths as for short pieces. After having the front end of a straight truck lift into the air as he unloaded long logs, he added a stabilizer leg.
"It mounts under the trailer hitch and is chained to the truck," says Weeks.
Weeks, who runs a welding shop, has built the push-off boxes for others. He can make plans available for sale if there's enough interest.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Amherst Welding, Inc., 330 Harkness Rd., Amherst, Mass. 01002 (ph 413 253-4867).

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #4