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Remember Lurch?
If you thought the horns on Lurch the Watusi steer were big when he first got into the Guiness Book of World records (Vol. 27, No. 6), take a look at him now! Lurch is owned by Janis Wolf of Gassville, Ark.
  Watusi cattle, which originated in Africa, are known for their big horns. Lurch was born in 1995 and it soon became evident his horns were going to be big even for a Watusi. Wolf thought they had stopped growing in 2003 when she submitted Lurch's measurements to the Guiness people. At 37 1/2 in. dia., he easily beat the previous record. However, in the past 5 years, the horns have continued to grow. Today they measure 38 in. around and 7 ft., 6 in. from tip to tip.

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #4