Swinging Mailbox/Sign Post
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"This combination mailbox and sign post has withstood many direct blasts from the county snowplow," says William Fazer, Powers, Mich., about the post he designed that swings freely if struck and then swings back into its original position by itself thanks to an angled pipe fitting at the base.
An address sign on back balances the mailbox on front and is an attractive welcome sign for visitors.
A 36-in. long, 2-in. dia. galvanized post is cemented into the ground, with the top lip ground down so it slopes toward the road. A 1 1/4-in. dia. pipe slides down inside the 2 in. pipe. Electrician's tape is wrapped around the 1 1/4-in. pipe so it fits tighter and won't wobble back and forth.
A 1 1/4-in. "Y" fitting just above ground supports the angled pipe that runs out to the mailbox (the bottom of the Y fitting is also ground down so it slopes to the road). Another piece of 1 1/4-in. pipe runs straight up to a cross bar that extends out the opposide side from the mailbox. - The address sign hangs from this crossbar.
Contact: _ FARM SHOW Followup, William Fazer, W2733 Veeser Lane, Powers, Mich. 49874 (ph 906 497-5683).

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Swinging Mailbox/Sign Post FARM HOME Miscellaneous 18-2-38 "This combination mailbox and sign post has withstood many direct blasts from the county snowplow," says William Fazer, Powers, Mich., about the post he designed that swings freely if struck and then swings back into its original position by itself thanks to an angled pipe fitting at the base.
An address sign on back balances the mailbox on front and is an attractive welcome sign for visitors.
A 36-in. long, 2-in. dia. galvanized post is cemented into the ground, with the top lip ground down so it slopes toward the road. A 1 1/4-in. dia. pipe slides down inside the 2 in. pipe. Electrician's tape is wrapped around the 1 1/4-in. pipe so it fits tighter and won't wobble back and forth.
A 1 1/4-in. "Y" fitting just above ground supports the angled pipe that runs out to the mailbox (the bottom of the Y fitting is also ground down so it slopes to the road). Another piece of 1 1/4-in. pipe runs straight up to a cross bar that extends out the opposide side from the mailbox. - The address sign hangs from this crossbar.
Contact: _ FARM SHOW Followup, William Fazer, W2733 Veeser Lane, Powers, Mich. 49874 (ph 906 497-5683).
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