Screw-On Extra Shovel Handle
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"It's the handiest attachment for shovels, rakes, pitchforks, hoes and other hand-held implements I've ever seen," says Miles Manchester, distributor of a new screw-on "extra" handle that clamps on with a hand-tightened nut and can be quickly shifted to a newer position or moved to a different implement.
Made out of heavy-duty "unbreakable" plastic, the handle pivots on the screw-type mount so you can easily set it in the position that's most comfortable for you.
"You'll be surprised at how much difference it makes when shoveling grain or snow. Because you don't have to bend over as far, you don't have to lift your own body weight as you shovel," says Manchester.
Sells for $10 ($3 S & H).
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Joy Brook Farm, Rt. 1, Box 63, Brushton, N.Y. 12916 (ph 518-529-0123).

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Screw-On Extra Shovel Handle FARM SHOP Miscellaneous 18-2-38 "It's the handiest attachment for shovels, rakes, pitchforks, hoes and other hand-held implements I've ever seen," says Miles Manchester, distributor of a new screw-on "extra" handle that clamps on with a hand-tightened nut and can be quickly shifted to a newer position or moved to a different implement.
Made out of heavy-duty "unbreakable" plastic, the handle pivots on the screw-type mount so you can easily set it in the position that's most comfortable for you.
"You'll be surprised at how much difference it makes when shoveling grain or snow. Because you don't have to bend over as far, you don't have to lift your own body weight as you shovel," says Manchester.
Sells for $10 ($3 S & H).
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Joy Brook Farm, Rt. 1, Box 63, Brushton, N.Y. 12916 (ph 518-529-0123).
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