2008 - Volume #32, Issue #1, Page #31
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Lint Filter Extends Septic System Life
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"Polyester, nylon, and other synthetic fibers leave your washing machine as lint, and don't break down as they flush through your septic system," says Jim vonMeier of Zimmerman, Minn. "Eventually, these fibers clog up the soil by creating impenetrable mats surrounding the drain lines in your leach field. The expensive result is premature death of your septic system."
With more than 20 years experience as a building contractor, vonMeier now works as a "home owner educator," consumer advocate and environmental specialist with certifications from the University of Minnesota Extension Service and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
After seeing firsthand where washing machine lint was causing costly problems (and conducting a 5 1/2-year research project on system failure), he knew there was a relatively simple solution - his patented Filtrol-160 product.
The wall-mounted, in-line unit attaches to your washing machine discharge hose and removes lint before it goes down the drain.
A reusable 160-micron filter bag, inside the clear plastic filter housing, traps the non-biodegradable fibers and also sand, hair and pet fur, etc.
"You periodically dump the accumulated lint out of the filter bag - typically every 10 to 15 wash loads. The filter bags last 1 to 3 years," he explains. "With the cost to replace a septic system running $5,000 to more than $40,000, the Filtrol-160 is cheap insurance to protect your wallet and your property."
VonMeier says a typical family washing machine produces enough lint every year to carpet a living room floor, and conventional lint screens and nylon socks trap less than 5 percent of these contaminants. Because these minute particles are so small and light, they don't settle in the septic tank; rather they stay in suspension and are flushed out to the drain field.
The Filtrol-160 comes with extra hose, clamps, fittings, and a mounting bracket for easy installation (you supply the two screws that hold the bracket to the wall). The unit sells for $139.95 plus S&H, and replacement bags are $12.95 each plus S&H. VonMeier says most customers order a second bag to save on shipping charges.
Dealer inquiries welcome.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Septic Protector, 14622 268th Ave., Zimmerman, Minn. 55398 (ph 888 873-6505 or 763 856-3800; cell 612 508-5121; jvonmeier@septicprotector.com; www.septicprotector.com).

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