Compost Toilet Uses No Water
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Anyone needing a toilet where there's no plumbing will want to take a look at this "no winter" composting toilet. Instead of flushing down a pipe, solid wastes compost in a small tank beneath the stool. Like vegetable wastes in a compost bin, solid wastes quickly break down.
"There's no holding tank, no pump outs and no odor," says Michael Coblentz, CRM distributing. "It's more compact than other composting toilets on the market - with a footprint of just 13 by 18 in. - and yet it has exceptional holding capacity."
Coblentz says interest in the new composting toilet has been strong from owners of RVs, boats, semi sleeper cabs, and remote cabins where space is at a premium. One thing that sets this toilet apart is its extended holding capacity. Coblentz says it can be used for up to a month by a couple traveling or for a full season by weekend campers or boaters. The unique design that catches urine and funnels it off to a separate holding tank helps make this possible.
Coblentz suggests diluting the urine with water and using it as a high nitrate fertilizer on shrubs and trees. He suggests depositing the composted solid wastes in a compost bin to ensure all material is fully composted before using it as plant food as well. Cleaning the toilet is done with a small squirt bottle of water with occasional use of a 1-1 solution of vinegar and water. Ammonia or bleach can't be used, as it will kill the composting bacteria.
All that's needed to establish the composting process is 1 1/2 to 2 gal. of premoistened peat moss. "If you have a compost bin for your garden, grab a handful of active compost and add it to get the bacteria started," suggests Coblentz. A low amp fan that runs off any 12V power source speeds the composting process and helps eliminate odor during use. The fan vents through a hose to the exterior of the room.
The molded toilet, with its gray granite color, has stainless steel components. It mounts to any floor surface with brackets, sells for $850, and can be shipped by UPS.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, CRM Distributing, 4922 TR 401, Millersburg, Ohio 44654 (ph 330 893-3265; fax 330 983-2418).

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Compost Toilet Uses No Water FARM HOME Bathroom 32-1-31 Anyone needing a toilet where there's no plumbing will want to take a look at this "no winter" composting toilet. Instead of flushing down a pipe, solid wastes compost in a small tank beneath the stool. Like vegetable wastes in a compost bin, solid wastes quickly break down.
"There's no holding tank, no pump outs and no odor," says Michael Coblentz, CRM distributing. "It's more compact than other composting toilets on the market - with a footprint of just 13 by 18 in. - and yet it has exceptional holding capacity."
Coblentz says interest in the new composting toilet has been strong from owners of RVs, boats, semi sleeper cabs, and remote cabins where space is at a premium. One thing that sets this toilet apart is its extended holding capacity. Coblentz says it can be used for up to a month by a couple traveling or for a full season by weekend campers or boaters. The unique design that catches urine and funnels it off to a separate holding tank helps make this possible.
Coblentz suggests diluting the urine with water and using it as a high nitrate fertilizer on shrubs and trees. He suggests depositing the composted solid wastes in a compost bin to ensure all material is fully composted before using it as plant food as well. Cleaning the toilet is done with a small squirt bottle of water with occasional use of a 1-1 solution of vinegar and water. Ammonia or bleach can't be used, as it will kill the composting bacteria.
All that's needed to establish the composting process is 1 1/2 to 2 gal. of premoistened peat moss. "If you have a compost bin for your garden, grab a handful of active compost and add it to get the bacteria started," suggests Coblentz. A low amp fan that runs off any 12V power source speeds the composting process and helps eliminate odor during use. The fan vents through a hose to the exterior of the room.
The molded toilet, with its gray granite color, has stainless steel components. It mounts to any floor surface with brackets, sells for $850, and can be shipped by UPS.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, CRM Distributing, 4922 TR 401, Millersburg, Ohio 44654 (ph 330 893-3265; fax 330 983-2418).
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