He Put A 45 HP. Volkswagen Engine Into An Allis Chalmers Garden Tractor
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I put a 45 hp. Volkswagen engine into an Allis Chalmers garden tractor. It has a hydrostatic transmission and has worked great for many years. It uses less fuel than the original Kohler engine. No more blown engines every year! No lack of power! (LC Bruggenschmidt, Rt. 4, Scottsburg, Ind. 47170 ph 812 752-2522)

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He Put A 45 HP. Volkswagen Engine Into An Allis Chalmers Garden Tractor REPOWERED EQUIPMENT Repowered Equipment 31-5-41 I put a 45 hp. Volkswagen engine into an Allis Chalmers garden tractor. It has a hydrostatic transmission and has worked great for many years. It uses less fuel than the original Kohler engine. No more blown engines every year! No lack of power! (LC Bruggenschmidt, Rt. 4, Scottsburg, Ind. 47170 ph 812 752-2522)
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