World's First 3-Wheeler
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We call this the world's first 3-wheeler. It was built during the winter of 1947 using two bicycle wheels on back with a wheelbarrow wheel on front. A grain binder bull wheel crank jack was used for the steering sector, fitted with a Model T Ford steering wheel. It was built by Marton Lizakowski and his son, Henry, and used for many years. I am Henry's cousin and I restored the 3-wheel tractor in the spring of 2006. (George Lizakowski, 1810 12th Ave N.E., Grand Forks, N.Dak. 58201)

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World's First 3-Wheeler ATV'S ATV'S 31-5-41 We call this the world's first 3-wheeler. It was built during the winter of 1947 using two bicycle wheels on back with a wheelbarrow wheel on front. A grain binder bull wheel crank jack was used for the steering sector, fitted with a Model T Ford steering wheel. It was built by Marton Lizakowski and his son, Henry, and used for many years. I am Henry's cousin and I restored the 3-wheel tractor in the spring of 2006. (George Lizakowski, 1810 12th Ave N.E., Grand Forks, N.Dak. 58201)
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