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Pot-In-A-Pot Grows Plants Better
A plant pot concept introduced this year from England helps plants grow faster and healthier. Grow Pots being marketed by Lee Valley Tools Ltd. have a unique twin wall design.
"We saw them at a trade show in England last summer, and were impressed with what we learned," says Sarah Clarke, product manager, Lee Valley. "They have been very popular with British gardeners, who simply set them directly into a bag of soil. They can also be set right into the ground."
The serrated edge of the outer pot makes it easy to cut through plastic to set in a bag of soil or push into the ground. Once in place, the plant is set in the inner pot and topped off with soil creating a level higher than the surrounding soil. Fertilizer is applied to the inner pot while water is added between the walls of the inner and outer pots.
"The design meets the needs of plants, which tend to set nutrient feeder roots near the surface and water seeking roots deeper into the soil," explains Clarke. "In our greenhouse trials, the plants in the Grow Pots grew 25 percent bigger and taller than those without Grow Pots. We didn't measure yield, but I suspect it was approximately 20 percent greater with the Grow Pots."
The one-piece pots are made of heavy-duty plastic and come in two sizes. The 11-in. diameter is ideal for larger vegetables such as peppers, melons, zucchini, etc. Clarke suggests using the 7-in. diameter pots for herbs, strawberries, cherry tomatoes and even caned fruit such as raspberries.
Lee Valley offers three of the larger pots for $29.50 and a set of six smaller pots for $39.50.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Lee Valley Tools Ltd., P.O. Box 6295, Station J, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2A 1T4 (ph 800 267-8767; fax 800 668-1807; customerservice@leevalley.com; www.leevalley.com); or Lee Valley Tools Ltd., P.O. Box 1780, Ogdensburg, N.Y. 13669 (ph 800 871-8158; fax 800 513-7885; customerservice@leevalley.com; www.leevalley.com).

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2007 - Volume #31, Issue #3