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Turbo Tube Feederhouse Dust Vacuum
"My new feederhouse dust vacuum collects dust and discharges it to the side of the header in front of the drive tires, away from the windows and cab. It greatly improves operator vision," says Buddy Itzen, inventor.
The "Turbo Tube" dust vacuum bolts onto the feederhouse throat and is powered by a hydraulic motor that plumbs into the combine's hydraulic reel drive system. You simply remove the feederhouse inspection covers and mount the vacuum housing using four existing bolt holes. It requires no drilling. Fan speed is controlled by a valve outside the cab.
"It works better than other feederhouse dust vacuums on the market because it uses a high-capacity hydraulic motor that's plumbed directly into the combine's hydraulic reel drive pump, allowing a wider range of fan speeds for different crops. The high capacity hydraulic motor can deliver up to 4,000 rpm's so it can be used on wheat and corn as well as soybeans. With our new design you can go all day long without plugging it up."
Two different models are available. One fits Deere 9400 and 9500 combines and the other fits 9600 combines. Both models sell for $1,795.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Elkhorn Equipment Co., Inc., Rt. 5, Box 341 A, Ft. Dodge, Iowa 50501 (ph 515 972-4500).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2