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Plastic Snow Plow Catches On Fast
You'll like this new "plastic" snow plow from Sno-Way that's made out of Lexan, a tough polycarbonate plastic that's also used to make bullet proof glass.
The material takes temperature changes better than steel and won't collect heat like steel. That means you'll have less trouble with the blade icing up. Another big ad-vantage is that you can see right through the blade.
Mounts on most pickups with a kit which eliminates the need to drill holes in frame. Kit means no additional chains, pumps or hydraulics are needed on vehicle once it's installed.
Comes in 10 models, four with optional heavy-duty down pressure system.
Sells for $2,200 to $2,700.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Sno-Way International, 844 West State St., Hart-ford, Wis. 53027 (ph 414 673-7200 or 800-662-1453).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2