Old 3-Phase Centrifugal Fan Used To Remove Dust From Drain
The bottom of my grain leg, and the drive-over dump for it, sets at ground level with a metal support under it so air can flow under it. Many conventional grain legs set down in a hole. But if water gets into the grain it can plug up. With my design, everything is above ground so there's no place for water to get trapped.
All my grain handling equipment operates on a 3-phase converter that I built from an old 3-phase 25 hp electric motor. I use an old 3-phase centrifugal fan from a salvage yard to remove dust and other debris from grain as it's moved into storage bins. It's amazing how much red dog and dust gets discharged by the fan. I connect a length of 3-in. dia. flexible plastic hose from the fan's outlet to the edge of a field. The more of that you get out, the better the grain will store. When I'm done harvesting, I roll the hose back up and store it in my barn. (William D. Riegle, 14241 TR 45, Findlay, Ohio 45840 ph 419 422-5889)

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Old 3-Phase Centrifugal Fan Used To Remove Dust From Drain GRAIN HANDLING Accessories 29-4-42 The bottom of my grain leg, and the drive-over dump for it, sets at ground level with a metal support under it so air can flow under it. Many conventional grain legs set down in a hole. But if water gets into the grain it can plug up. With my design, everything is above ground so there's no place for water to get trapped.
All my grain handling equipment operates on a 3-phase converter that I built from an old 3-phase 25 hp electric motor. I use an old 3-phase centrifugal fan from a salvage yard to remove dust and other debris from grain as it's moved into storage bins. It's amazing how much red dog and dust gets discharged by the fan. I connect a length of 3-in. dia. flexible plastic hose from the fan's outlet to the edge of a field. The more of that you get out, the better the grain will store. When I'm done harvesting, I roll the hose back up and store it in my barn. (William D. Riegle, 14241 TR 45, Findlay, Ohio 45840 ph 419 422-5889)
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