Handy Two-Way Hitch
"Over the years I've seen many ideas for ball hitch mounts on tractors, but never one that solves the problem of where to store the ball hitch unit. My two-way ball hitch is always right where I need it - on the drawbar itself," says David Edwards, Val Alstyne, Texas.
The "Hitch Keeper", as Edwards calls it, slides over the tractor drawbar in the hitch position as well as the storage position. In both cases it's held in place by an ordinary hitch pin.
To switch to the ball hitch, Edwards simply removes the hitch pin and slides the rectangular-tubed main body off the drawbar, then rotates it 180 degrees and slides it back onto the drawbar and reinserts the pin.
With the hitch in storage position, the ball hitch is out of the way and the tractor's drawbar hole is completely accessible.
"It makes it easy to switch off between hay wagons and road trailers whenever I'm in the field picking up square bales behind my tractor," says Edwards. "Since the ball extends several inches beyond the drawbar when towing, it also helps reduce clearance problems on tight turns.
"My dad donated his time, some iron, and the use of his welder to help make my idea come to life. I was so proud of it that I even painted it. Now it's the only shiny piece of equipment I own," he notes.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, David Edwards, 183 Bucksnort Rd., Van Alstyne, Texas 75495 (ph 903 364-2915 or 972 569-3655; email: dedwards183@aol.com; website: www.hay4horse.com).

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Handy Two-Way Hitch HITCHES Hitches 29-4-33 "Over the years I've seen many ideas for ball hitch mounts on tractors, but never one that solves the problem of where to store the ball hitch unit. My two-way ball hitch is always right where I need it - on the drawbar itself," says David Edwards, Val Alstyne, Texas.
The "Hitch Keeper", as Edwards calls it, slides over the tractor drawbar in the hitch position as well as the storage position. In both cases it's held in place by an ordinary hitch pin.
To switch to the ball hitch, Edwards simply removes the hitch pin and slides the rectangular-tubed main body off the drawbar, then rotates it 180 degrees and slides it back onto the drawbar and reinserts the pin.
With the hitch in storage position, the ball hitch is out of the way and the tractor's drawbar hole is completely accessible.
"It makes it easy to switch off between hay wagons and road trailers whenever I'm in the field picking up square bales behind my tractor," says Edwards. "Since the ball extends several inches beyond the drawbar when towing, it also helps reduce clearance problems on tight turns.
"My dad donated his time, some iron, and the use of his welder to help make my idea come to life. I was so proud of it that I even painted it. Now it's the only shiny piece of equipment I own," he notes.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, David Edwards, 183 Bucksnort Rd., Van Alstyne, Texas 75495 (ph 903 364-2915 or 972 569-3655; email: dedwards183@aol.com; website: www.hay4horse.com).
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