"Condensation Catcher" Keeps Moisture Out Of Grain Bin
"I wanted to keep condensation from dripping down the grain leg pipe and into my grain bin, where it could cause a wet spot and spoil a lot of grain. So I made a condensation catcher that automatically diverts moisture outside the bin and onto the ground," says William Riegle, Findlay, Ohio.
He uses the idea on a 24-ft. dia. dryer bin.
The condensation catcher consists of a length of 2-in. dia. tubing made from thin wall conduit. The tubing extends at a downward angle through a hole under the roof eave and is free to slide in and out of the bin. An 18-in. long, 12-in. wide, V-shaped metal catch pan made from 1/8-in. thick sheet metal welds to the top end of the tubing and funnels water into it. The tubing is suspended by two small chains, which allows the tube to be centered under the grain leg pipe. A 3/16-in. dia. cable clamps to the outer end of the grain leg pipe and runs through a small pulley down the side of the bin to a lever. It's used to pull the catch pan out of the way when grain is being loaded into the bin.
"The problem is that when I run the dryer, it blows moisture up the grain leg pipe and then it condenses and comes back down," says Riegle. "It's surprising on humid days how much water drips out of there. If you don't catch the moisture, it settles straight down through the bin and over the center discharge hole and then plugs up the unloading auger. I have to make sure the catch pan is out of the grain flow or it will cause the grain to plug the down pipe and cause the elevator leg to plug up.
"I've also used this same idea on three other storage bins," notes Riegle.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, William D. Riegle, 14241 TR 45, Findlay, Ohio 45840 (ph 419 422-5889).

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"Condensation Catcher" Keeps Moisture Out Of Grain Bin GRAIN HANDLING Grain Handling 29-4-32 "I wanted to keep condensation from dripping down the grain leg pipe and into my grain bin, where it could cause a wet spot and spoil a lot of grain. So I made a condensation catcher that automatically diverts moisture outside the bin and onto the ground," says William Riegle, Findlay, Ohio.
He uses the idea on a 24-ft. dia. dryer bin.
The condensation catcher consists of a length of 2-in. dia. tubing made from thin wall conduit. The tubing extends at a downward angle through a hole under the roof eave and is free to slide in and out of the bin. An 18-in. long, 12-in. wide, V-shaped metal catch pan made from 1/8-in. thick sheet metal welds to the top end of the tubing and funnels water into it. The tubing is suspended by two small chains, which allows the tube to be centered under the grain leg pipe. A 3/16-in. dia. cable clamps to the outer end of the grain leg pipe and runs through a small pulley down the side of the bin to a lever. It's used to pull the catch pan out of the way when grain is being loaded into the bin.
"The problem is that when I run the dryer, it blows moisture up the grain leg pipe and then it condenses and comes back down," says Riegle. "It's surprising on humid days how much water drips out of there. If you don't catch the moisture, it settles straight down through the bin and over the center discharge hole and then plugs up the unloading auger. I have to make sure the catch pan is out of the grain flow or it will cause the grain to plug the down pipe and cause the elevator leg to plug up.
"I've also used this same idea on three other storage bins," notes Riegle.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, William D. Riegle, 14241 TR 45, Findlay, Ohio 45840 (ph 419 422-5889).
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