2005 - Volume #29, Issue #4, Page #10
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Row Bike
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Chainless Bikes
Dynamic Bicycles eliminated the greasy chain and put a shaft in its place. It works like a multi-speed bike with a hand twisting knob except that you don't have to be pedaling to shift.
An enclosed shaft runs from the pedals back to the rear wheel hub.
Sells for between $549 and $799 plus S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dynamic Bicycles, Inc., 165 Main Street, Suite 109, Medway, Mass. 02053 (ph 800 935-9553; email: info@dynamicbicyles.com; website: www.dynamicbicycles.com).
Row Bike
Row your way to better health with the world's first "rowbike," invented by the man who also dreamed up in-line roller skates in the 1980's. Just pull the handles toward you just as if you were rowing a boat. It's that simple.
Sells for between $599 and $1,999.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Skyfitness, Inc. - Rowbike, 7580 Quattro Drive, Chanhassen, Minn. 55317 (ph 800 344-4339; email: customerservice@row bike.com; website: www.rowbike.com).

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