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Add On Axle Boosts Truck's Payload
Terry Greer, Arenzville, Ill., boosted the legal load capacity of his truck by 120 bu. with an add-on axle resurrected from a salvage yard. "It also makes for easier handling and reduced compaction in the fields," he points out.
Greer's truck is a 1969 Ford, F 700, 2 1/2 ton. The original axle allowed 18,000 lbs. - or 280 to 290 bu. With the extra axle, he's able to load on upwards of 400 bu. and still be legal.
Greer notes the add-on axle carries the load better because it takes weight off the front end of the truck.
"The extra axle helps minimize compaction in the field at harvest time because there's better distribution of weight because of more tires," says Greer. "Also, there are few disadvantages of the added axle. There's no interference with the hoist or road handling. However, as might be expected, it's not as good in mud."
Greer says the extra axle idea would work with just about any straight truck. He used a salvaged 1970 GMC straight axle. "Be sure to get an axle rated at 9,000 lb. or over. Some axles are rated at only 5,500 or 7,000 lbs. Stay away from these," he advises.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Terry Greer, Arenzville, Ill. 62611 (ph 217 997-2223). (By C. F. Marley).

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1985 - Volume #9, Issue #2