2004 - Volume #28, Issue #3, Page #05
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Buy Land On The Moon
If buying a Texas ranch by the inch isn't your cup of tea, maybe you'd rather look up to the sky. For just $20, you can buy an undeveloped, one-acre lot on the moon. For $250, you can establish a corporate headquarters on the moon.For the past 23 years, Dennis Hope, Gardnerville, Nevada, has been selling lunar lots, and he has had lots of success. His Lunar Embassy, which is licensed by the state of Nevada, reports that the moon has 2.5 million property owners in 80 countries. More than 1,300 corporations have bought property. Safeway supermarkets in Great Britain even resold 20,000 lots to customers.
Of course, if you want to get in on the opportunity in a bigger way, you can buy an ambassadorship for $75,000 and sell lots yourself.
Hope has since branched out and is now selling pieces of the planet Mars, and a moon orbiting Jupiter. Plans are in the works to sell lots on Mercury.
He bases his real estate efforts on an actual international treaty that says moons and planet are "not subject to national appropriation." So far, he has not been challenged legally.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Lunar Embassy, 1506 Highway 395, Gardnerville, Nev. 89410 (ph 775 782-6149 or 800 586-2729; email: theheadcheese@lunarembassy.com; website: www.lunarembassy.com).

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