The Latest In Power Boosters
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An amazing innovation in farm power over the past couple years has been the development of power-boosting chips that increase horsepower of electronically-controlled tractors, pickups and other equipment. Instead of "juicing up" the fuel pump or carburetor, you just add a chip.
Latest new development is an adjustable power module for Ford Powerstroke engines that lets you select the amount of power you want to add on-the-go, in increments of 20 hp at a time.
The "Edge" power module installs in less than 10 min. and simply intercepts and modifies the signal between the vehicle's stock computer and the engine. The module comes with an in-cab controller with buttons that let you add 40 to 120 hp on-the-go, depending on your needs.
"It really comes in handy when towing big loads, especially on hills and mountain passes where you have to downshift all the time. Boosting the power lets you maintain lower engine rpm's so you don't have to downshift as much. It also improves the fuel economy," according to Edge Products.
It sells for $899. The company offers other power-boosting systems for most pickup makes and models.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Edge Products, 1080 South Depot Drive, Ogden, Utah 84404 (ph 888 360-3343 or 801 476-3343;

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The Latest In Power Boosters PICKUPS Miscellaneous 28-3-5 An amazing innovation in farm power over the past couple years has been the development of power-boosting chips that increase horsepower of electronically-controlled tractors, pickups and other equipment. Instead of "juicing up" the fuel pump or carburetor, you just add a chip.
Latest new development is an adjustable power module for Ford Powerstroke engines that lets you select the amount of power you want to add on-the-go, in increments of 20 hp at a time.
The "Edge" power module installs in less than 10 min. and simply intercepts and modifies the signal between the vehicle's stock computer and the engine. The module comes with an in-cab controller with buttons that let you add 40 to 120 hp on-the-go, depending on your needs.
"It really comes in handy when towing big loads, especially on hills and mountain passes where you have to downshift all the time. Boosting the power lets you maintain lower engine rpm's so you don't have to downshift as much. It also improves the fuel economy," according to Edge Products.
It sells for $899. The company offers other power-boosting systems for most pickup makes and models.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Edge Products, 1080 South Depot Drive, Ogden, Utah 84404 (ph 888 360-3343 or 801 476-3343;
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