2004 - Volume #28, Issue #3, Page #20
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Front-Mount Swather Helps Cut 32-Ft. Hay Swath
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"We can cut 18 acres an hour without even pushing it," says Hoerth. "It's amazing how fast we are able to cut hay."
Hoerth does custom work and wanted a system that would cut from both the front and the rear. He could have used a Ford New Holland reversible tractor but he didn't think it could handle the job.
"The Ford reversible didn't have enough power for both units," explains Hoerth. "I had a 7810 John Deere rated for 155 hp, but I get 170 hp out of it. It works fine for this."
Hoerth picked up a used self-propelled swather for $4,000 and began by cutting up the frame. He had to move the arms in about 7 in. on each side to fit the tractor's front end.
"I pretty much used the same steel, just cut it apart and rewelded it," explains Hoerth. "I used 3-in. angle iron to build a matching frame on the 7810 for the header to slide on. I can unhook the whole unit in 8 minutes with only two bolts."
To power the unit, Hoerth installed a $4,000 front-end pto kit from Deere. The hydraulic pump that drives the header is mounted on that pto.
"The only other change I had to make to the tractor was to add a reverser fan on the radiator to keep the dandelion fluff off," says Hoerth. "The whole thing probably cost about $10,000, about the price of a good used 16-ft. haybine, and with this I am cutting 32 ft."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Hoerthland Custom Service, N3795 County Road C, Chilton, Wis. 53014 (ph 920 849-4308).

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