M-Series Business Booming
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Two issues ago we told you about Charles Talbert of Norword, N.C., who specializes in rebuilding, repowering and restoring M-Series trucks (Vol. 28, No. 1). Talbert called us recently to tell us business is booming and to give us a bit more information
"We can transform these trucks into outstanding vehicles for farm use, fire fighting rigs, construction, logging, municipal work, and many other purposes where you need a powerful, well-built truck," says Talbert.
Dodge M37 trucks were built from 1950 to 1968. Talbert installs new warranteed Cummins diesels with a 5-speed overdrive transmission to repower M37 Dodge trucks, Kaiser-Jeep M715 series, and the M35 series.
M35 trucks are often called the "deuce & a half". Its 6-WD tandem rear configuration makes it a great vehicle for off-road use. They were built by several manufacturers throughout the 35 years they were in production. The last M35's were built in 1987. These trucks were built in a number of different configurations, including standard cargo, long wheelbase cargo, drop-side cargo, dump trucks, truck-tractors, wrecker-cranes, van bodies, fuel and water tankers, etc. They're available in 2 1/2 and 5-ton versions and Talbert works on all of them.
"We build to customer specs to fit the needs of each individual. Whatever you want, we can do it for you. There are many options listed at our website, but we're not limited to those," says Talbert.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Charles Talbert, M-Series Rebuild & Repower, 4038 Shankle Rd., Norwood, N.C. 28128 (ph 704 474-4683; website: www.mseriesrebuild. com).

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M-Series Business Booming TRUCKS Miscellaneous 28-3-20 Two issues ago we told you about Charles Talbert of Norword, N.C., who specializes in rebuilding, repowering and restoring M-Series trucks (Vol. 28, No. 1). Talbert called us recently to tell us business is booming and to give us a bit more information
"We can transform these trucks into outstanding vehicles for farm use, fire fighting rigs, construction, logging, municipal work, and many other purposes where you need a powerful, well-built truck," says Talbert.
Dodge M37 trucks were built from 1950 to 1968. Talbert installs new warranteed Cummins diesels with a 5-speed overdrive transmission to repower M37 Dodge trucks, Kaiser-Jeep M715 series, and the M35 series.
M35 trucks are often called the "deuce & a half". Its 6-WD tandem rear configuration makes it a great vehicle for off-road use. They were built by several manufacturers throughout the 35 years they were in production. The last M35's were built in 1987. These trucks were built in a number of different configurations, including standard cargo, long wheelbase cargo, drop-side cargo, dump trucks, truck-tractors, wrecker-cranes, van bodies, fuel and water tankers, etc. They're available in 2 1/2 and 5-ton versions and Talbert works on all of them.
"We build to customer specs to fit the needs of each individual. Whatever you want, we can do it for you. There are many options listed at our website, but we're not limited to those," says Talbert.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Charles Talbert, M-Series Rebuild & Repower, 4038 Shankle Rd., Norwood, N.C. 28128 (ph 704 474-4683; website: www.mseriesrebuild. com).
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