2004 - Volume #28, Issue #3, Page #36
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Way To Clean Grease Or Oil Stains Off Concrete Garage Floors
Paula Vogelgesang, Pennywise, Box 518, Kadoka, S. Dak. 57543; email: penny wise@gwtc.net: Here's a way to clean grease or oil stains off concrete garage floors or driveways using two common materials û paint thinner and cat litter. It comes from Paula's monthly newsletter, "Pennywise".First, wipe off excess grease or oil with a rag. Then pour paint thinner over the spot and let it soak in a bit. Then pour a good amount of cat litter on top of the paint thinner and let it sit overnight. The next day, you should be able to sweep up all the litter, which will pull the liquified oil or grease stain right out of the concrete. It may take two treatments.

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