2004 - Volume #28, Issue #3, Page #36
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Rim Guard Prevents Rust Star Seal Prevents Flats
Rust and corrosion on tire rims, valves, gauges, and pumps can now be prevented, thanks to a new patented, non-toxic, biodegradable product called Rim Guard Tire Ballast.It's heavier than sodium chloride and can be used with either tube or tubeless tires. Rim Guard provides a protective polymer coating over the metal to reduce corrosion. It weighs about 10.7 lbs. per gallon, providing excellent weight for the volume, and withstands temperatures of up to at least 30 degrees below zero without freezing.
Rim Guard is non-flammable and dark brown in color. Since it's non-abrasive to metal, rubber, plastic and other materials, it can be pumped through your current pumping and storage system.
"It does not require specialized pumps, piping, couplers or storage tanks," according to the company. "Rim Guard can be stored in poly, steel, or fiberglass tanks. It's water soluble, so it will readily wash off your hands without burning and cracking, and it won't destroy leather shoes and gloves, or rust the eyelets out of work boots, as do chlorides and salt brines. Rim Guard is economical compared to adding cast iron or steel weights to the equipment or the use of injectable foams in tires, which can double or even triple the original cost of the new tire."
According to the northeast Mid-Atlantic distributor, Ballast Star, Inc., tests done with Rim Guard showed dramatic results.
"Nails left in a container of calcium chloride for 15 months were completely rusted over, whereas the Rim Guard treated nails were shiny and brightly colored, with no rust."
Another new product called "Star Seal Ballast Plus" is a ceramic fiber material suspended in a gelatin solution, and is injected into the tire with Rim Guard or any other liquid ballast. Nash says the product is delivered in drums, with pumps supplied.
Star Seal stays suspended in the liquid. When a hole is punctured in a tire and the liquid begins leaking from the tire, it carries the Star Seal fibers to the hole, forming a plug.
"Most of the time, you don't even know you have a hole, because within four revolutions of the tire, it seals," Nash says. "It's good for the life of the tire."
Star Seal Ballast Plus retails for $15 per gal. (1 gal. of Ballast Plus for every 10 gal. of liquid ballast solution).
Rim Guard retails for $3 per gallon.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ballast Star, Inc., 776 Watervliet-Shaker Rd., Latham, N.Y. 12110 (ph 888 678-2707 or 518 783-5655; fax 518 783-5461; email: info@ballaststar.com; website: www.ballaststar.com).

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