Hay Feeders For Horses Made Out Of Old Water Tanks
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We make hay feeders for our horses out of old square or rectangular water tanks, along with scrap lumber and welded-wire hog panels. We bolt four 2 by 4s onto the corners of each tank to serve as uprights and nail sheets of plywood across two ends. The panels are bent into a V shape above the tank. The design keeps animals from wasting hay, as the tank catches any dropped hay before it can land on the ground. (Logan VanRheenen, 4656 East Third Road, Mendota, Ill. 61342 ph 815 538-3619)

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Hay Feeders For Horses Made Out Of Old Water Tanks LIVESTOCK Horses/Mules 28-3-41 We make hay feeders for our horses out of old square or rectangular water tanks, along with scrap lumber and welded-wire hog panels. We bolt four 2 by 4s onto the corners of each tank to serve as uprights and nail sheets of plywood across two ends. The panels are bent into a V shape above the tank. The design keeps animals from wasting hay, as the tank catches any dropped hay before it can land on the ground. (Logan VanRheenen, 4656 East Third Road, Mendota, Ill. 61342 ph 815 538-3619)
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