Gate Locks Made For Cow Barn
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These gate locks were made for our new cow barn. We can close the gate by giving it a small push, and the iron on either side lifts up and falls down once the gate is between the two pieces of steel. Our cows can't open it. (Don Hofer, Prairie Home Colony, Box 147, Wrentham, Alberta, Canada T0K 2P0)

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Gate Locks Made For Cow Barn LIVESTOCK Buildings 28-3-41 These gate locks were made for our new cow barn. We can close the gate by giving it a small push, and the iron on either side lifts up and falls down once the gate is between the two pieces of steel. Our cows can't open it. (Don Hofer, Prairie Home Colony, Box 147, Wrentham, Alberta, Canada T0K 2P0)
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