How To Build A Wooden Bucket
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As a kid, I figured out how to cut the angles on a stave to make a wooden bucket. Years later, after I got married and bought a house, my neighbor and I were reroofing the front porch. The house is 110 years old and the material under the shingles consisted of odd scraps of rough cut oak lumber. We pulled it all off and replaced it with plywood. Wanting to thank my neighbor for helping me, I picked through the pile of old oak, recalled my days as a kid, and made him a bucket.
My spouse saw it and asked me to build one for her, too. Well, the next thing I knew, I was in the bucket business. Since that first bucket for my neighbor, I've made dozens of buckets and sold some for as much as $50. I've also experimented with making barrels and drums out of curved staves. I like to use old wood that I pull out of the trash pile and dumpsters. The stave stock needs to be only about 2 in. wide and 12 in. long. Hardwood flooring scraps and cut-offs work well.
My neighbor, who happens to work part time at a wood working store, suggested I teach a class in bucket making. Thatmotivated me to think about the math behind the angles and I worked out a formula for cutting the staves. I've put together a pamphlet explaining how to make a simple wooden bucket. (David G. Strenski, 323 Oak Street, Ypsilanti, Mich. 48198 ph 734 480-1587; email:

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How To Build A Wooden Bucket FARM HOME Novelty Items 28-3-41 As a kid, I figured out how to cut the angles on a stave to make a wooden bucket. Years later, after I got married and bought a house, my neighbor and I were reroofing the front porch. The house is 110 years old and the material under the shingles consisted of odd scraps of rough cut oak lumber. We pulled it all off and replaced it with plywood. Wanting to thank my neighbor for helping me, I picked through the pile of old oak, recalled my days as a kid, and made him a bucket.
My spouse saw it and asked me to build one for her, too. Well, the next thing I knew, I was in the bucket business. Since that first bucket for my neighbor, I've made dozens of buckets and sold some for as much as $50. I've also experimented with making barrels and drums out of curved staves. I like to use old wood that I pull out of the trash pile and dumpsters. The stave stock needs to be only about 2 in. wide and 12 in. long. Hardwood flooring scraps and cut-offs work well.
My neighbor, who happens to work part time at a wood working store, suggested I teach a class in bucket making. Thatmotivated me to think about the math behind the angles and I worked out a formula for cutting the staves. I've put together a pamphlet explaining how to make a simple wooden bucket. (David G. Strenski, 323 Oak Street, Ypsilanti, Mich. 48198 ph 734 480-1587; email:
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