No-Drift Sprayer Keeps Lawn Weed-Free
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"We have a lot of flowerbeds in our yard and we haven't had any damage to them since I built a custom spray bar for my lawn tractor about 5 years ago," says Roger Arney. "Because the spray bar is in the front, it's easy to see exactly where the herbicide is being applied. Herbicide placement is so accurate I only have to use half the recommended amount most of the time."
The spray bar is controlled by a 4-bank valve that controls the center section, each wing, and there's a complete shutoff," says Arney. "A plastic spray guard prevents drifting and also holds flowers out of the herbicide's path. In narrow areas the side wings fold in to the sides. The plastic shield is flexible so that obstructions or uneven ground don't bother it.
"After two years of spraying I only need to do selected spots. I can cover a couple of acres in an hour," he says. "The sprayer was so successful that I've started doing the town's football field and a 10 acre park."
Arney would like to find a manufacturer. He has blueprints and a complete parts list.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Roger Arney, 1077 Bandle Court, Wrenshall, Minn. 55797 (ph: 218 384-3406; email:

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No-Drift Sprayer Keeps Lawn Weed-Free SPRAYING New Sprayers 28-4-34 "We have a lot of flowerbeds in our yard and we haven't had any damage to them since I built a custom spray bar for my lawn tractor about 5 years ago," says Roger Arney. "Because the spray bar is in the front, it's easy to see exactly where the herbicide is being applied. Herbicide placement is so accurate I only have to use half the recommended amount most of the time."
The spray bar is controlled by a 4-bank valve that controls the center section, each wing, and there's a complete shutoff," says Arney. "A plastic spray guard prevents drifting and also holds flowers out of the herbicide's path. In narrow areas the side wings fold in to the sides. The plastic shield is flexible so that obstructions or uneven ground don't bother it.
"After two years of spraying I only need to do selected spots. I can cover a couple of acres in an hour," he says. "The sprayer was so successful that I've started doing the town's football field and a 10 acre park."
Arney would like to find a manufacturer. He has blueprints and a complete parts list.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Roger Arney, 1077 Bandle Court, Wrenshall, Minn. 55797 (ph: 218 384-3406; email:
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