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Magnetic Floor Sweeper
Marcel Pekerek, Foley, Minn., made a portable magnetic floor sweeper by mounting the magnet from an old grinder-mixer on wheels, allowing him to quickly pick up nails and small pieces of metal over a large area.
  He bolted a 2 by 4 lengthwise on top of the magnet and then attached a 1/2-in. dia. metal rod lengthwise on top of the board, leaving 3 in. of rod extending beyond each end of the board. Two push-type lawn mower wheels fasten to the ends. Then he bolted a lawn mower handle to the board.
  "It worked great for picking up nails after we shingled our house, and our neighbor used it for picking up metal after they cut up a bunch of scrap iron," says Pekerek. "I built it out of material I already had. Commercial models like mine sell for $50 to $100."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Marcel Pekerek, 10121 165th St. N.E., Foley, Minn. 56329.

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #4