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Solution For Deere 720 Tractor Converted To Electronic Ignition
E.H. Underwood, Belleview, Mo.: "The article by Donald Woehl of Morrison, Ill., in the last issue about a problem with the Deere 720 he converted over to electronic ignition, sounded like a problem I had with a tractor I converted from 6 to 12 volts.
  "I talked with a local parts dealer who suggested I check the ignition system for the original resistor that was in the 6-volt system. I did not locate an original type resistor. One was ordered and installed and I have not had any more ignition problems since then. Maybe installing a resistor will solve the problem for Mr. Woehl as well."
  Walter Brenner, Bredenbury, Sask.: "The wheel rims on my 1990 GMC 1/2-ton pickup fit very tight on the hubs. They are difficult to remove when you need a tire change. If I have to change a tire, I loosen all the wheel nuts first. Then I get in the truck and drive it a few feet. This loosens the rim. Once it's loose, I put the jack under, raise the vehicle and change the tire.
  "I also have trouble with the brake light staying on in this GMC. To solve the problem, I simply unhook the battery cable for a few minutes and then hook it up again. This allows the computer to reprogram itself and everything will work fine again. Some of my neighbors have had the same trouble and were able to correct it using this method."

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #1