Truck Bed Hauls A Load And Pulls A Gooseneck Trailer At The Same time
I recently came up with a truck bed design that makes it possible to haul a load and pull a gooseneck trailer at the same time. I use mine to collect trash so the sides are make of wire mesh. The bed can still be used traditionally to haul just about anything. Depending on its use, the sides can also be made solid to haul grain or other farm material.
The twist on this product is that the cage is collapsible to allow access to the rear half of the bed, while still allowing the cage to be used. Within the rear half of the truck bed is a receiver that can be used to attach a gooseneck or kingpin hitch.
The truck bed is made of steel but could also be built of aluminum, as the customer desires. Additional modifications available include a hoist mounted under the bed for unloading and toolboxes that can be mounted under the sliding cage.
I am currently looking for a manufacturing firm to mass-produce the truck bed and custom boxes. (Larry Nieman, P.O. Box 1057, Farmington, Arkansas 72730 ph 479 846-3607)

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Truck Bed Hauls A Load And Pulls A Gooseneck Trailer At The Same time TRUCKS Miscellaneous 27-6-41 I recently came up with a truck bed design that makes it possible to haul a load and pull a gooseneck trailer at the same time. I use mine to collect trash so the sides are make of wire mesh. The bed can still be used traditionally to haul just about anything. Depending on its use, the sides can also be made solid to haul grain or other farm material.
The twist on this product is that the cage is collapsible to allow access to the rear half of the bed, while still allowing the cage to be used. Within the rear half of the truck bed is a receiver that can be used to attach a gooseneck or kingpin hitch.
The truck bed is made of steel but could also be built of aluminum, as the customer desires. Additional modifications available include a hoist mounted under the bed for unloading and toolboxes that can be mounted under the sliding cage.
I am currently looking for a manufacturing firm to mass-produce the truck bed and custom boxes. (Larry Nieman, P.O. Box 1057, Farmington, Arkansas 72730 ph 479 846-3607)
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