Allis Chalmers Round Baler, Round Bale Loader
Thanks for your article in the last issue on my collection of Allis Chalmers tractors and other equipment. I thought you might enjoy these additional photos of my AC #10 round baler, round bale loader, and my 1936 self-propelled AC combine, all of which we ran this summer at Wheat Harvest Days on my farm. (Marion Klutzke, 1928 N. 550 W, West Lafayette, Ind. 47906 ph 765 583-4512)

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Allis Chalmers Round Baler, Round Bale Loader BALERS Balers 27-6-41 Thanks for your article in the last issue on my collection of Allis Chalmers tractors and other equipment. I thought you might enjoy these additional photos of my AC #10 round baler, round bale loader, and my 1936 self-propelled AC combine, all of which we ran this summer at Wheat Harvest Days on my farm. (Marion Klutzke, 1928 N. 550 W, West Lafayette, Ind. 47906 ph 765 583-4512)
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