He Turns Mint Crop Into "No Tobacco" Snuff
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When Bill Grieger was diagnosed with a precancerous lip condition he knew he had to quit chewing. He decided to wean himself off chew with a mint snuff he invented himself that contains no tobacco. It worked so well for him that he launched the Oregon Mint Company in Lake Oswego, Oregon in 1986. The mint is custom-grown by a farmer in the Mid-Willamette Valley and sold wholesale to grocery stores and other retail outlets.
To promote his product Grieger advertises on TV, billboards, a website, and exhibits at rodeos. He uses "guerrilla" tactics like a homemade 10-second TV ad.
Grieger's secret weapon is that dentists and dental associations help promote his product. Mint Snuff uses Maltitol, which is a sugar-free solution, derived from corn syrup, so it does not cause tooth decay. Along with endorsing Mint Snuff, the dentists also provide information to those who choose to quit using chew or other tobacco related products.
Mint Snuff has also been featured at American Dental Association conventions and free samples are given out by the American Cancer Society. Users of Mint Snuff include baseball players Sammy Sosa, Mike Jackson, and manager Bobby Cox, all of whom are unpaid by the Oregon Mint Snuff Company.
Because Mint Snuff contains no tobacco it is legal to purchase for all ages, but none of Mint Snuff's advertising is aimed at children. Individual stores determine whether or not they sell to minors.
You can order $1 sample cans off their website or regular cans for $2 plus shipping.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Oregon Mint Snuff Company, P.O. Box 9, Tillamook, Oregon 97141 (ph 800 328-6468; email: bill@mintsnuff.com; website: www. mintsnuff.com).

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He Turns Mint Crop Into "No Tobacco" Snuff 27-6-8 When Bill Grieger was diagnosed with a precancerous lip condition he knew he had to quit chewing. He decided to wean himself off chew with a mint snuff he invented himself that contains no tobacco. It worked so well for him that he launched the Oregon Mint Company in Lake Oswego, Oregon in 1986. The mint is custom-grown by a farmer in the Mid-Willamette Valley and sold wholesale to grocery stores and other retail outlets.
To promote his product Grieger advertises on TV, billboards, a website, and exhibits at rodeos. He uses "guerrilla" tactics like a homemade 10-second TV ad.
Grieger's secret weapon is that dentists and dental associations help promote his product. Mint Snuff uses Maltitol, which is a sugar-free solution, derived from corn syrup, so it does not cause tooth decay. Along with endorsing Mint Snuff, the dentists also provide information to those who choose to quit using chew or other tobacco related products.
Mint Snuff has also been featured at American Dental Association conventions and free samples are given out by the American Cancer Society. Users of Mint Snuff include baseball players Sammy Sosa, Mike Jackson, and manager Bobby Cox, all of whom are unpaid by the Oregon Mint Snuff Company.
Because Mint Snuff contains no tobacco it is legal to purchase for all ages, but none of Mint Snuff's advertising is aimed at children. Individual stores determine whether or not they sell to minors.
You can order $1 sample cans off their website or regular cans for $2 plus shipping.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Oregon Mint Snuff Company, P.O. Box 9, Tillamook, Oregon 97141 (ph 800 328-6468; email: bill@mintsnuff.com; website: www. mintsnuff.com).
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