"Push Cart" Blueberry Harvester
This two-wheeled aluminum "push cart" harvester takes the work out of picking blueberries. It's equipped with a series of 3/16-in. dia. teeth mounted at an upward angle on a 22-in. wide head. You push the cart forward through the top of the blueberry bush, raking the teeth through the leaves. Once the teeth are full of berries you tip the cart back and pull up on the handle to dump them into the pan. When the pan is full you remove it and leave it in the field for later pickup and drop a new pan into position. The cart has holders on each side for storing extra pans.
Some assembly required.
Sells for $570 (U.S.) plus S&H.
A hand-held scoop rake for harvesting blueberries works much the same way as the push cart, depositing the berries into a 14-in. wide pan.
Sells for $54 (U.S.) plus S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Berry Hill Limited, 75 Burwell Road, St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada N5P 3R5 (ph 800 668-3072 or 519 631-0480; fax 519 631-8935; email: info@BerryHillLimited.com; website: www.BerryHillLimited.com).

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"Push Cart" Blueberry Harvester 27-6-8 This two-wheeled aluminum "push cart" harvester takes the work out of picking blueberries. It's equipped with a series of 3/16-in. dia. teeth mounted at an upward angle on a 22-in. wide head. You push the cart forward through the top of the blueberry bush, raking the teeth through the leaves. Once the teeth are full of berries you tip the cart back and pull up on the handle to dump them into the pan. When the pan is full you remove it and leave it in the field for later pickup and drop a new pan into position. The cart has holders on each side for storing extra pans.
Some assembly required.
Sells for $570 (U.S.) plus S&H.
A hand-held scoop rake for harvesting blueberries works much the same way as the push cart, depositing the berries into a 14-in. wide pan.
Sells for $54 (U.S.) plus S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Berry Hill Limited, 75 Burwell Road, St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada N5P 3R5 (ph 800 668-3072 or 519 631-0480; fax 519 631-8935; email: info@BerryHillLimited.com; website: www.BerryHillLimited.com).
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