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Simple Combine Snowplow
Rick Adophson, Grantsburg, Wis., read in the last issue of FARM SHOW about a big combine snowplow built by a South Dakota farmer. He wanted to tell us about his approach, which is a bit simpler.
    "I've got a 1/4 mile long driveway that often drifts closed with 3 to 4-ft. high snowdrifts. It takes several hours to clear it with my pickup or WD Allis tractor and the equipment takes a lot of abuse. I decided to try using an old combine to move the snow.
    "A neighbor had an old Massey 300 that he wanted to get rid of. I left the grain head in place on the feederhouse but cut off the ends and part of the platform, cutting it back to the shape of a plow blade. I cut up the sickle bar bracing plates to fit the makeshift plow. The one plate makes a nice solid plow blade along the bottom edge and the curved plates work as skid plates to keep me from digging up my driveway.
    "I removed the grain sieves and the rear part of the housing plus the unloading auger. I added a couple extra batteries for easier winter starting and added a backup light for night work.
    "I upgraded the combine's Chrysler engine with electronic ignition and a spin-on oil filter from an older Dodge truck.
    "All the parts I cut off the combine were thrown into the grain hopper, along with a few extra scraps, for added weight to boost traction.
    "I ended up with an 8-ft., 1-in. blade that easily clears the driveway in less than 20 min. At some point in the future I may mount a snowblower on front instead of the blade but it works just fine as it is. I'm glad I made the conversion."
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rick Adophson, 22062 Hegge Rd., Grantsburg, Wis. 54840.

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2003 - Volume #27, Issue #1