Spread Fertilizer With Your Pickup
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"So far as we know, it's the first bulk spreader for pickups," says Roderick Snyder, vice president of Larson Machine, Inc., Princeville, Ill. "It mounts on a 3/4 ton pickup with just 4 bolts and replaces a bulk fertilizer wagon. Just drive your truck into town to fill up - no more waiting for custom applicators or equipment to show up."
Fertilizer is fed out of the 2 1/2 ton capacity hopper by a stainless steel chain web. The web is ground-driven by a small drive wheel that, when engaged, rubs against the truck's rear wheel. Vacuum pressure from the engine is used to disengage the drive wheel, stopping the flow of fertilizer.
Material is spread in a 45-ft. pattern by two rear spinners, also geared to the truck's ground speed, and run off a pto shaft extended out of the truck's transfer box. Spreading width varies with ground speed. At the best speed for spreading - about 10 to 15 mph - the spreader will maintain a continuous 45 ft. pattern.
In addition to fertilizer, the unit can also be used to seed small grain and grasses. Since it incorporates many components from Larson's standard bulk spreaders, the equipment has actually been tested for years, and often in seeding small grains. Snyder feels the pickup spreader is "actually the best on the market" for planting rice and some other specialty crops.
Both a 2 1/2 ton capacity model for 3/4 ton 4-wheel-drive pickups and a 4-ton model for 1-ton pickups are available, with either mild steel or stainless steel hoppers. Cost for the 3/4 ton model, installed at a Larson dealer, is $2,500. Subtract $100 if you do it yourself and add $700 for the stainless steel hopper. Cost does not include fitting your pickup with a pto drive shaft, which Snyder says usually costs around $400.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Larson Machine, Inc., Princeville, Ill. 61559 (ph 309 385-4312).

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Spread Fertilizer With Your Pickup FERTILIZER APPLICATION Fertilizer Application (58f) 3-3-29 "So far as we know, it's the first bulk spreader for pickups," says Roderick Snyder, vice president of Larson Machine, Inc., Princeville, Ill. "It mounts on a 3/4 ton pickup with just 4 bolts and replaces a bulk fertilizer wagon. Just drive your truck into town to fill up - no more waiting for custom applicators or equipment to show up."
Fertilizer is fed out of the 21/z ton capacity hopper by a stainless steel chain web. The web is ground-driven by a small drive wheel that, when engaged, rubs against the truck's rear wheel. Vacuum pressure from the engine is used to disengage the drive wheel, stopping the flow of fertilizer.
Material is spread in a 45-ft. pattern by two rear spinners, also geared to the truck's ground speed, and run off a pto shaft extended out of the truck's transfer box. Spreading width varies with ground speed. At the best speed for spreading - about 10 to 15 mph - the spreader will maintain a continuous 45 ft. pattern.
In addition to fertilizer, the unit can also be used to seed small grain and grasses. Since it incorporates many components from Larson's standard bulk spreaders, the equipment has actually been tested for years, and often in seeding small grains. Snyder feels the pickup spreader is "actually the best on the market" for planting rice and some other specialty crops.
Both a 21/z ton capacity model for 3/4 ton 4-wheel-drive pickups and a 4-ton model for 1-ton pickups are available, with either mild steel or stainless steel hoppers. Cost for the 3/4 ton model, installed at a Larson dealer, is $2,500. Subtract $100 if you do it yourself and add $700 for the stainless steel hopper. Cost does not include fitting your pickup with a pto drive shaft, which Snyder says usually costs around $400.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Larson Machine, Inc., Princeville, Ill. 61559 (ph 309 385-4312).
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